Friday, January 10, 2014

2013 Reflection: Top 5...

I was going to do a top ten for 2013 of my favorite Fashion Royalty residents, but the more I looked at this year I didnt splurge as much, or Ive let a few of the them go I wasnt really bonding with character wise. So I decided to do a top 5 instead. No real order but these are the ones that I have come to really treasure this year.
Irrisitable in India - Poppy Parker
I have sort of a funny rule about my poppys and its having one girl of ever hair color XD. I didnt have one with brown hair, let alone a tan girl. I really love this girl so much. Her jewerlry fun and looks well with her tan skintone. I love her hair color and the updo. I was looking at maybe restyling her hair but for now Im just leaving it alone.
Nu. Face - Beast Pizzaz
I really liked this girls outfit to begin with, but I had decided on just ordering her for that alone. I couldnt really see her face up close very well from their promo pictures, but once I started seeing others pictures of her, I really regretted not getting her. She ended up coming to me in a trade. Im really glad I was able to bring her home. Pizzaz also has a similar facemold to old 1.0 Vanessa that I love as well.
Monogram - Shining Star
I was disappointed to hear that they were discontinuing the line for Monograms. This girl (The gift one was the same, just blond hair & I got her fashion to go with her) was just beautiful. Her makeup was well done and she was the jewelry workshop version so she came with the gems to make the jewelry.  I decided too I just needed a few more brunettes in my collection. A perfect girl to the end of the Monogram Line.
FR2 - Bittersweet Eugenia
This girl has the new revised FR2 body (which really I found they just changed the knees and I believe one other thing but the waist is still terrible, so I think shes going to get rebodied) and I did buy her without seeing her. I dont regret it. Her green dress with her red hair along with her makeup work well together overall. I love her jewelry/shoes as well. I dont know what it is but Eugenia here just feels like a young version to all her other versions. Maybe its just her screening, or the fact her hair is down unlike a lot her other versions having short/updo hair.
Color Infusion Lab 2013
With this line I cant really pick. I love the mix and matching of the clothing & shoes/accessories. Last year I got the CI C girl and the N boy and I loved the both of them so much. This year I grabbed Declan for myself, redhead Camira (C/D mold) for heather, and a redhead Zara for Tabby. After seeing more of them I brought home a Laka (the purple version) & Alyssa (the F/G mold from last year). The only thing with this was I wished they had purses in this years collection, but none of the premier dolls did (if its like walkway kinda thing I understand. Still I miss these)

So these are my top picks for this years collection. I look forward to 2014!

1 comment:

  1. Excellent top 5!!!! I am going to have to join the danged FR club this year XD
